The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Does CD even have a QSA Violet fuse to A/B or is he a 🤥?

Strange fire.

glory, I’m pretty sure sooner or later someone else will chime in here about that very issue of the QSA Light Violet fuse vs the SR Purp.

millercarbon posted about the QSA Light Violet fuse and said it was so good it was ’insane’. And I have no reason to doubt him. And we know how he feels about Ted’s stuff.

In fact, I suspect that the QSA Light Violet fuse may have been one of the reasons Ted is now selling the SR Purp?

As I have no reason to doubt the others here that rated the SR Orange vs the SR Purp.

I have 6 yellow and 1 red QSA fuses.


I will get 2 SR purple fuses and A/B with the QSA yellow and the red.



Post removed 

Here is my beef with SR fuses.  QSA has a directional arrow and directions for which way they go.  SR does not.  My components are not easily accessible.  I have 5 components that they go into.  I have to try one component at a time to see what I hear.  Oh wait there is a long break in period so how do I know if they sound bad?  Then I add another component.  This process could take a month.  I can't put them all in at the same time.  

C'mon SR figure out the proper direction.  QSA did.  You can too.