Linn Sondek LP-12 tonearm recommendations?

I just bought a Linn Sondek Lp-12, it had a Rega RB 300 tonearm, I would like to know from other LP-12 owners, what you have used or currently use on your table, that sound superb to your ears, or would I be better off sending this arm in for a cardas rewire?
FYI- I would like to stay in the 2-3K range

I have a superb Audio Origami PU7 on my own LP12. A truly excellent arm.
However, it is also very important to upgrade other parts of the deck to get the very best out of any tonearm and cartridge.
you haven’t stated how old your LP12 is or anything else regarding the rest of the spec of it.
Disclosing the rest of the spec would be very helpful, especially as some older decks are not worth extensive upgrading. Also, other upgrades should be relevant to improving your current spec.

Linn does indeed recommend an inside out approach when it comes to upgrading the table. Therefore, the arm is fairly low on the totem pole. However, I personally found that replacing my Linn Basik Plus with the WTA ’Black’ arm was one of the easiest heard upgrades I ever did. The increase in SQ was more obvious than the sub chassis upgrade...although both did push the SQ forward. The arms available for the little fruit box are very limited, as discussed above...and many alternatives simply will not work well. ( like the SME’s, in my experience). The LP12 has its failings, the biggest one IMHO, is the inability of the table to allow not only multiple arms, but also more advanced ( and usually heavier) designs.
anyone have experience using "Audiomods series 6" tonearm, read some encouraging reviews, but truth be told, I rely on the audiogon community for some direction, before I make the final decision, Audiogon community has steered me right on more than one occasion, appreciate any feedback?
Yes, I mounted an Audiomods arm on a Platine Verdier when I sold it, the Audiomods was excellent, superb vaue for money. Even with a modest Goldring moving coil it sounded superb. Way above Jelco level of performance. Only caveat would be to stay away from ultra low compliance cartridges.