SPL meter results relative to Magnepan's (supposed?) craving for power/current

Hi all...
My thoughts are; if my ambient/background level is about 40dB and readings of "music" at my typical SPL from my listening position show about 75dB, that means that what I'm actually hearing is mostly noise and not my Maggies? Surely yes... Right? 

Even though my Maggies are in a very big room, do I need to rethink my amps power output of 400 WPC if I prefer a lower listening level? Overkill? I understand the benefits of "headroom" and amp/speaker "synergy".

At which SPL do your Maggies wake up and sing?
Thoughts? Comments?

My listening room is an interior room of a brick home, there is just no noise going on except the Hvac System. It certainly isn't anything special except the fact that there are multiple walls between the outside and the interior space that is my room. Perhaps my SPL software is reading low?
I downloaded another program and am getting the same 24-25 with the Air system engaged.  

phcollie : "My listening room measures at 12-14 Db ambient (Hvac Off)."

I don't believe your taking measurements correctly as that's unrealistically low for any room. 
Thanks for your help. I'm using 3 different apps to measure that claim +/- 2 Db accuracy including Decibel X. I do not know why so inaccurate now when my old house read 35 Db ambient with same apps? Please excuse my errors. Highest I get is 28 Db with HVAC running in this new home so it must be my microphone.  Srry.