Amazon Music and Bluesound Node 2i

Anyone streaming Amazon Music with their Bluesound Node 2i?

I signed up for the three month trial period (I’m a Prime Member) and also the one month Tidal trial.

So far the integration of Amazon Music in the BluOs app sux. Tidal is much better in this respect. I’m not commenting on the sound quality as I haven’t really compared that yet. I’m just getting used to using the app and learning to use the two different streaming services. I really don’t care about MQA but Tidal is easier to use with the BluOs App.

Anyone have a similar experience and how does Quobuz and other services play with the Bluesound App?
I’ve been an Amazon Music HD user since it came out, but it must be said Amazon do seem to go out of their way to make it hard to get the best out of it on hi-fi gear. I do have a Heos Link HS2 feeding my Linn MDSM/4 amp and while it does sound good, as mentioned above, the Heos app is execrable.
I do use a fire tv cube to feed tracks up to 24/192 into the same amo over HDMI and while I am using the native Amazon Music app on the cube, I find the sound not as engaging as the Heos if truth be told.
When it comes to Bluesound, I’ve heard it said that it over comes some of the significant issues (well for me) in the Heos app - the lack of being able to access playlists I have compiled over the years in Amazon music, and access to music I had previously uploaded to my Amazon music library when they had that feature. Tbh, I’m still not clear from the previous posts that the Bluos app does allow me to do that though - I appreciate that third party access to AMHD may well be stifled by the minimal API that Amazon seem to make available to third parties (as an aside, Amazon seem to make it very difficult for third parties to get access to that API - Linn, the manufacturer of my amp, have had no success in the past two years and it’s “not for the want of trying” according to them).
I’m hoping that the upcoming Amazon Devices event this week announces an updated version of their Echo Link which might better support AMHD and address some of the issues all “audiophile” AMHD users have been facing since its release.
  I use Qobuz and haven’t tried Amazon.  I do find the integration with the Blue OS app clunky.  The favorites, playlists, etc don’t carry over.  Not the case with Cambridge Audio app.  Also the Cambridge is a Chromecast device so now I just use the Qobuz app on my phone and cast it to the CA
I got rid of Amazon HD and kept Tidal.  
The whole point of me getting a streamer was:
No. 1 Convenience   If the service doesn't integrate well with the BluOs system then it's gone. 
No. 2  Easily finding new music to listen to.
No. 3  Convenience  Sitting in my chair or where ever I am in the house and easily controlling my music in one app.   All my hi rez files are on my server along with copies of all my cd's.  

I like the Tidal Connect interface through Bluesound.   Bluesound's BluOS sucks.  Its interface is clunky, it drops out occasionally (might be the Powernode itself?) and has little 'charm' or ability wrt to providing any interaction with a library.  It also does not synch well with Amazon Music - playlists need to be dropped via the service and restarted.

On the plus side, Amazon HD Ultra is (IMO) a very good source and a bargain.  I love Tidals interface. But for the life of me, I cannot part with more than twice Amazon's cost for the quality of its streaming service.  I think MQA is a con. 

Oh, talking of hype - wtf is wrong with Amazon's spatial audio - beam me up.  It's all over the darn place.  Sounds like some non-musicioan type took apart the recording with a chain saw and created early sixties stereo sound.  Remember how bad some of that studio wizz-bang stuff sounded.  Here we go again.

OK.  Rant over.