Please recommend CD player w/volume under $5500

I'd like to get rid of my preamp and go straight from source to amp.

Seeking recommendations on such a player with quality sound.

Rest of my system consists of the new ESP Concert Grand SI speakers, and (currently) a Butler TBD-2250 (but I'm thinking about going for a Conrad Johnson 140 or similar).

Thanks very much!
Chris aka CMO reflects my experience also. I have an Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 MK II with volume control (passive preamp) and it always sounds better through a preamp regardless of which of my systms I use it in.

I can really only compare the ARC LS25II (which I used to own) and the Aesthetix Callisto that I have now........ Well, I guess I just answered which of those two I prefer. The CJ was in a different system, so I can't really compare it to my preamps.

I'm on the keep the preamp wagon... You will lose something without it, mainly the full body sound.. a lot of the hiend cd players are a little lite on the bass as well, and with no pre it could be very anemic, and you have a tube amp I believe so you will have possibility of very soft bass.