Vintage tubes - facts, science, technology & empirical evidence VS. marketing, myth & hype

Sorry. Long post. I hope you find the premise interesting and useful. And hope my writing below is not too bone-headed. Please feel free to correct or point out any misstatements or errors in my thinking.

This is not intended to be a controversial thread. At the outset I am not staking out a position. My questions are sincere and are not intended to poke anyone in the eye. The ultimate focus of my question has to do with the performance of vintage tubes as they compare to current production tubes. I am asking because it seems to me that there is a lot of marketing hype & perhaps some myth and wishful thinking when it comes to vintage tubes. There is also a rich body of collective experience. And, it seems, consensus that certain brands, factories, vintages and specific types of tubes are better than their peers and are "worth" the extra money they command. Of course, the principle of diminishing returns applies here. Right?

Do measures of voltage gain, transconductance, plate resistance, noise and microphony tell the whole story? Are they sufficient for predicting performance? To what extent do they predict longevity? Or is longevity primarily a function of empirical collective experience? What about the materials science aspect of vintage vs. modern tubes?

It seems that every company that produces tubes works hard to refine their design and balance innovation with "faithfulness to the vintage design", production processes, materials to make good sounding tubes. Even so, not all tubes from a given factory will perform the same, hence the testing and grading relative to the measures above and the consequent sorting into hierarchies of ascending levels of performance and price.

It also seems to me that performance will be closely tied to the circuit design and execution. A solid design would, it seems, be robust and produce excellent results with a wide range of tubes. A poor design might drive a tube in a way that is hard on the tube or requires a very specific technical characteristic for the circuit to perform well. Either of these situations could cause a user to come to completely different conclusions about what vintage/modern tube is "good" or excellent.

I have read some posts on this forum from certain individuals in which all "modern" or current production tubes or tubes produced by certain countries are dismissed out of hand. This seems like prejudice. Or it could, I suppose, reflect accumulated frustration with a given tube/brand/maker/etc as it performs in a given circuit.

I suppose I’m ultimately asking those who’ve more experience and who have invested more $$$ in tubes and tube rolling across various kinds of equipment to share their experience and opinions.

Thanks, in advance, for your patience. I hope to learn from those who are willing to share.

I’ll address a couple of your thoughts.
Yes, performance, sonic signature, and longevity will be closely tied to the circuit design and execution.

Test results are important in predicting performance. But, we need to define performance. If you mean, will the tube last a long time, supply the required voltage, and have no emissions, then the answer is measurements are very important. If performance means that this tube will be sonically to your liking in a particular component and have the signature described by others, the only way to know is try it.

It’s true, not all tubes from a given factory will perform the same, although tolerances were very close and QC was adhered to. Keep in mind, most manufacturing in the 1940’s and into the 50’s was for the military. There was a high level of quality and consistency. Some tubes were "ruggedized" with extra support rods and micas. They were solely for military use.
Other plants made their house brand of tube(s) and had defense department contracts. Tubes were tested and if they met the military’s specs, they were stamped with military codes such as JAN, W, CV, or VT-231. Tubes that were outside milspec parameters were stamped with the proper designation for that tube such as 12AX, AU, 6SN and were distributed for civilian needs.
For our purpose, which is audio, tube factories produced an incredibly consistent product which will have its unique sonic signature when installed in a particular circuit. This is where the conversations and debates about tube rolling come into play.

The first error in your thinking is quoted below where you contradict yourself 

“At the outset I am not staking out a position. …

… it seems to me that there is a lot of marketing hype & perhaps some myth and wishful thinking when it comes to vintage tubes.”

Instead of writing this post you should buy some tubes, compare them, and decide for yourself.
Oh yeah, new tube manufacturers may be copying the design and tooling of some of the vintage tubes. There's an important element missing, the materials used back in the day. Some were closely guarded secrets, some of the materials aren't available, or they can't figure out what was in the special sauce that made such high quality tubes.
I know one of the new production companies bought the gear that was used by Telefunken (I think). Correct me if I'm wrong.

Vintage tubes - facts, science, technology & empirical evidence VS. marketing, myth & hype
One of the BIGGEST myths that is prevalent today is that " science, technology & empirical evidence..." have all the answers. It Doesn’t! The title alone comes from that very thought. Whether you actually believe it is yet to be seen. But it is interesting how you juxtapose science, technology & empirical evidence against marketing, myth & hype as if science, technology & empirical evidence have none of that. Meanwhile those who tell us to trust the science have little or no scientific enquiry to back up their daily propaganda.

Please pardon my skepticism. You may indeed be looking for TRUTH. But truth is ascertained by the use of intellect AND the use of our senses which give the intellect the necessary information for what we hear, see, small, etc. Then there is the idea that FACTS & Science give us very little usable info until they are interpreted. And there is the rub. Who’s interpretation shall we use? Especially pertenant in any conversation about music & hearing which is among the most subjective subjects on the planet.

I doubt this is what you expected. But it is worth considering. This is especially true of scientific enquiry into subjective subjects and expecting hard and fast facts. That ain't happening
Vintage tubes were likely produced in much higher quantities, tubes used in nearly every electronic gadget and the war effort. Mass production likely meant more experienced workers producing them and perhaps higher quality control. Durability also extremely important, lots of competition, less durable tubes would be exposed, lose out in marketplace. Add better raw materials in some cases.

Production runs today likely miniscule in comparison, standardization may be harder to achieve. Durability may also be less of a factor for marketplace, with small production runs lack of durability may not be exposed for a long period of time. And today's production tubes are generally only used in audio equipment, not run 24/7 as many tubes had to back in the day.