Air Tight ATM-300R or Shindo Cortese 300B


First of all, the english is not my native language. Sorry if I don't make myself understood correctly.

Here in audiogon found a lot of trends with ATM-300R x Cortese 300b, but almost all of them end up deviating to other suggestions or there is no continuity.

My preamp is the Luxman CL38uC and the speaker is an DIY with horn and 98 db and 8 ohms. My listening dedicated space is smal (15' x 10') and I love jazz.

I this context, Air Tight or Shindo?

Comments are welcome!

@dinho The ATM-300R has less of what is considered the classic 300B sound than the Shindo. The midrange-centric, lucid beauty that characterizes many other 300B single-ended amps isn’t really where the Air Tight amp is at. It certainly still has a full measure of the single-ended-triode clarity and beauty, it is quite transparent and broadband.  So it really depends what sonic attributes you're looking for.

@antigrunge What other 300b’s did you consider before deciding on the Wavac and what’s the speaker pairing?
Apologies if you are only interested in those two models; I particularly like the TRON Electric Atlantic 300B in that price range.
Dear Dinho, 


NOTE: I also love AirTight.  I have owned both.  

AirTight is very good.  Shindo is just better.  

Note: I ran a shindo preamp (Shindo Monbrison then later upgraded to a Shindo Massetto) with AirTight ATM-3 Monoblocks and Quad speakers.  Sublime!  

The Shindo preamp is amazing.  Truly.

Thank you all for your considerations.

Doubts... doubts... lol

I really like the "classical 300b sound". Then, I could consider the Shindo.

My impressions is the Air Tight are better built than Shindo (and more beautifull too...)

Anyway... the sound is more important.

Dear gestalt,

Thanks for your replay.

Unfortunatelly, here in Brazil, ours choices are lilmited.

I believe that TRON is a great choice too, but we do not have a TRON dealer here.
