Innuos Zenith MK3

Has anyone experienced Zenith skipping out and then jumping to the next track? It comes and goes. Sometime it will run fine for entire listen session; other times it’s so repetitive that I have to turn it off. When skipping, the signal is lost on my iPhone and on the DAC. Sounds like an incoming signal issue but, happens on streamed tracks as well as those ripped on the internal hard drive. If you’ve experienced this, what was your remedy? 

Any feedback will be appreciated! I know I can simply send it to Innous but, I hesitate as it will be out for weeks. 

Running Qobuz and iPeng and…..2 hours later, knock on wood, no problem. Gotta stop and walk the dog now.

I’m confused about a couple of things and would appreciate any help.  I have an Innuous Zenith 3 using os 1.4.7.  If I look at settings, it shows an upgrade to 1.4.9 is available.  I haven’t done that because 1.4.7 is working fine and 1.4.8 and .9 don’t provide any significant improvement in sq from what I understand.  Also, some people have experienced problems after doing the upgrades.  Unless I’m wrong about these things, I’m planning to wait for 2.0 to do all the upgrades.  If it’s not broke….Make sense?  Also, you say the current version is 2.0.4 but I don’t see anything available  above 1.4.9.  You also say that you want to stay with Roon.  Can’t you use Roon with 2.0.4?  What will happen to my 12,000 plus albums on Tital and Qobuz when 2.0.4 becomes available to me and I eventually update?  Thanks.
I’m probably not the best person to ask for help but I’ll try to answer your questions....I think you are correct that 1.4.8 and .9 don’t provide any enhancements but are primarily to prepare your device for the 2.0 update. And yes, I have heard of different issues by users when new code is released. I thankfully have been spared and all of my updates have gone smoothly. I’m not a geek but I’m not a newbie either so I usually wait a week or two before updating unless it is to remedy a problem I am having. In regards to the 2.0 release, it has been available for the Statement since ~two weeks ago and Zenith mk3 last week. I believe other Zenith models (mk2 and SE) were available from yesterday and Zen users will be able to update next week. The actual schedule is (or was) on their website and Facebook page: With regards to Roon, I need to read more but since 2.0 provides the control app I assume it will replace the Roon interface which I like very much. I also use my Zenith to run the Roon core so I don’t fully understand the implications of upgrading at this point but am guessing I may have to run the core from someplace else. Before I flip the switch I def need to get this figured out but for now I am happy to wait until the dust settles to avoid the hassles and pitfalls of early adoption.
I would advise to go to and read the info on updates, and ask Innuos for your situation. I would expect you would need to update to 1.4.9, and rescan your library to avoid any problems with the 2.0 update.I have had problems with some updates on my MK ii servers, but Innuos has been able to remedy them with a remote login. There are reports on line that the 2.0 update sounds better than Roon, and has a customer friendly interface at zero cost, unless you have a lifetime Roon subscription.
Thanks.  My plan is to update my current 1.4.7 to 1.4.9 and then to 2.0—when 2.0,becomes available for my Zenith 3 (which it doesn’t seem to be right now).  I am a lifetime Roon subscriber and I’m a little anxious about the possibility of losing my 12,000 albums when upgrading to a new system or about not liking the new system but being unable to revert back to Roon after upgrading.  One advantage of not having the 2.0 upgrade available yet us that I can learn from the experience of others while waiting.