Nakamichi RX-505 and some nice tapes for it

According to the prices for Nakamichi decks and cassette tapes I feel like it's not the best time to buy any of them, I feel like I missed the train, but I wish to have this model in my collection. And I want it so bad ... 

I remember my Maxell, Fuji, Sony, TDK cassettes used in the 90's, but once you gave them to you girlfriend they are gone. 

My Pioneer cassette deck was removed from my rack probably in 2006 and never used since that day. I recorded mixtapes from vinyl since mid 90's. Earlier in high-school I recorded something from CDs when it was an exotic format here, also made cassette to cassette copies. 

I never thought I will even think about this format again, but I think it would be nice to have Nakamichi RX-505 (I really like this particular model only, except for Dragon which is great, but too expensive today). 

I know it's the same transport in RX-505, don't know what's the difference between Nak 505 and 505E ? 

Purchased some sealed NOS Maxell XLII 90 and 100 min for about $5 each last week, it was an impulse, haha  

Some metal position tapes are very expensive on ebay (sometimes $50-100 each). 

Those open reel TEAK tapes goes for crazy prices just because it looks cool ? 

If someone could help me with decent cassette tapes please drop below model numbers and brands. 

P.S. No, I don't use digital, strictly vinyl, but I want cassette tapes and Nakamichi RX-505 for fun. 


why do you look at these things ? I mean, heads for Nak decks. You have Studers, that's real tape machines.
I put myself through engineering and technical school working on consumer electronics. So I've worked on plenty of cassette machines including Naks. I worked on a 700 recently for a friend and it had exactly that bad recording head problem. For my own self, there's no way I'd buy a 3-head machine because replacement record heads can be very rare and expensive, regardless of the brand. OTOH you can find good heads for 2-head machines with ease.

Nak made a number of 2-head machines that were quite nice. Not saying they sound the best but the differences are slight; if you want the best Nak, just be aware that the record head can be a problem!
People like Willy Hermann are capable of lapping the heads, or whatever it is called, and they often have used spare heads in good condition. That's what Willy once told me.
Buy three heads deck even if there is a slight risk of extra expenses.
The failure mode is the head winding fails. So the playing surface can be just fine.
Ralph, I see. Helpful warning. But still..I would only consider three heads decks.