Amazon Music and Bluesound Node 2i

Anyone streaming Amazon Music with their Bluesound Node 2i?

I signed up for the three month trial period (I’m a Prime Member) and also the one month Tidal trial.

So far the integration of Amazon Music in the BluOs app sux. Tidal is much better in this respect. I’m not commenting on the sound quality as I haven’t really compared that yet. I’m just getting used to using the app and learning to use the two different streaming services. I really don’t care about MQA but Tidal is easier to use with the BluOs App.

Anyone have a similar experience and how does Quobuz and other services play with the Bluesound App?
Are you guys using the app on your phones to control the Node 2?  From my phone yes, I can search an album on Amazon but if I play one of their playlists, no queue shows up like on Tidal.  I have no idea what the next song or artist will be.
Also, my understanding is that you have to go to the Amazon Music app to create your own playlist where as with Tidal you can do it on the Blusound app.
New Node 2i owner and I am using Amazon HD.  I find using it is easy enough.  You want a bad Amazon interface, try Heos.
If you're using Amazon HD, can you create a playlist on your phone using the Bluesound app?
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