tube magic with digital source?

Is the "magic" of tube amplification more pronounced when listening to an analog source as opposed to a digital source?

It's been a long time since I have listened to either vinyl or tube amplification. Currently I listen to Tidal and Qobuz exclusively, through a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400. I sometimes take analog out of the Lyngdorf into my Pass XA30.5 if I want to try to coax a little more warmth out of the sound. But as good as the Pass, which I have had for several years, is, it doesn't sound that different from the Lyngdorf's amp on the vast majority of recordings. That surprised me a lot when I first got the Lyngdorf. 

What I am wondering is, is a high quality tube amp as likely to present as much of that subtle (or not so subtle) holographic magic if the source is digital?

I'm using a cheap blue sound node with a Mastersound 845 SET. It sounds magical. I just bought an aurender A100 and hope it will improve the sound, though I can't imagine my set up sounding better. 
Agree with tomcy6, however, I believe that simply introducing a tube amp will improve the sound regardless.. Granted, it has to match the speakers well. And of course everything else matters if you're looking for perfection. 
I've been back and forth on the SS vs. Tube debate.....  had several good SS / Tube combos and keep going back to tube pre and amplifier.   

Getting great results with a tube pre and 40 watts of EL34 goodness into higher efficiency speakers with several digital sources.    I like my source to be true to the recording , it's the speaker / amp synergy that gives me the sound I'm ultimately looking for.
Thanks to everyone who provided insights here. I agree the best thing to do is try it. 

I'm very convinced that part of the rise of SETs in the 1990s has to do with the dryness (back then) of digital. The two complement each other in a certain way. I wouldn't regard it as neutral by any means, but often an SET can calm down the presentation of a digital playback that otherwise has problems.

However in recent times digital has gotten to the point that inexpensive digital is available with excellent sound that would have been considered state of the art only 10-15 years ago. Topping makes a number of inexpensive DACs that work quite nicely with tubes. Because I couldn't find a lower powered tube amp that wasn't also compromised in some way, I wound up designing and building one myself. This amp makes 5 watts, but has wider bandwidth and lower distortion than SETs. Its also low noise. I built this amp for my bedroom system, which uses small, easy-to-drive loudspeakers. Its used exclusively with digital audio and the results are quite pleasing- it is very smooth and detailed.  I'm using a Topping E30 DAC, which cost about $125.00 on ebay including shipping. You might laugh but this DAC is cheap enough you might want to pick one up and see how it compares with more expensive DACs (I've done this). Its quite compact and recognizes a wide range of codices. 

The tube amp replaced a solid state amp of exactly the same size and power. The improvement in sound was easy to discern; the tube amp has more depth, better bass (measurably so as well) and simply sounds more realistic.