CDP for MF A308 integrated

Hi, I'm new to the audiophile business and was wondering what would be a good match with the A308. I was looking at the Jolida JD100a or the Shanling T100. My budget would top out around $1500. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks JohnnyP.
Your price is in the used Audio Aero Prima camp .
Depending on your type of music , it could be a contender .
Good Luck .
Thanks for your suggestions. I have alot of research to do. I live in Canada so I was leaning towards a Jolida modded by parts connexion. The A308cd is a good suggestion but I doubt I'll find one here or someone to ship it here for under $1500. Thanks again...
Look around. I think you can get the A308cd within your budget. It is a very good product. I have one driving the MF TriVista Int Amp, and am very impressed.
The Jolida is a nice player. I heard one stock in a shop for an afternoon and was impressed overall.