Early Faint "Phantom" Turntable/Vinyl Signal???

So, I'm getting an early, faint audio signal coming through the speakers (from my vinyl) which immediately precedes the full volume signal.  It is the actual signal of the music, which I can hear very faintly.  What is this phenomenon?  Is this a TT/Cartridge issue?  Phono Stage?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsumadoggie
In this case you got the straight poop, but when it comes to the Internet, trust but verify.
Tape bleed comes through very clearly on "Just a little lovin' " by Shelby Lynne  when she sings "This old world...."
Isn't this why tape should be stored "tails out" so the pre-echo becomes post echo (which should be less noticeable?) Anyway, this is what I was taught on my only recording project that used tape. We recorded live (i.e., mixed on the fly) to two track ½" tape at 30 IPS, and mastered the cd directly from that. (This was in 2002 back before the vinyl revival and before streaming and downloads killed the cd market.)