Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?

Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker -- all other things being equal?
I have found that using efficient speakers, besides the wide dynamic swings, is the ease of use of a smaller amplifier, which sounds so much more natural and detailed than a much larger amplifier, of the same design topology, imo/ime. This has not been the case with speakers of low to medium efficiency, where the larger output amps are more desirable.
Grannyring have you settled in with the m1's and are you glad you bought them;any negatives?
Rleff, I love mine and they will stay for a long time. It was a bit tricky getting the right amp however. I really got lucky finding that Sunfire Signature 600 as it seems perfectly suited for the M1's.

I did several mods to the backplates that really made them more dynamic and intimate sounding.

I also got the room placement thing down for me.

What about you....
Gannyring-Running the m2's with audiovalve challanger 180 monoblocks;
excellant sound and no complaints;now only if I can take some bucks out of trumps pocket in Alantic City maybe some ma2's would be fun to hear them;I am good for now.
Been looking at drivers lately.

Let's say we want 30-40 Hz capable woofer. Generalizations. Argue about speaker specs, excursion, quality and range in another thread. If you don't believe me, look at the pro drivers at Parts Express.

At 84 dB W/m, that will probably require a 6.5 to 8 inch driver in a 1 to 1.5 cu ft box. Double up the drivers (half the impedance) and the box size and you get another 6 dB.

At 90 dB W/m, that would be a 10 to 12" in a 3 cu ft box.

At 96 dB W/m, that's 15 or 18" in a 6 cu ft box.

Okay, active subs have made the bass aspect less critical but then, you have to balance control and different kinds of distortion and there's compromises either way.