Altec A7 yay or nay?

I have the opportunity to buy  Altec A7 cabinets ($100 a pair) and Horns ($260 a pair) without any cones to either.
The cabinets and grills are in great shape as is the Horn.
My question is, is it worth a punt? as a DIY project that has to be done on the cheap.
Any suggestions as to alternative cones/crossover would be greatly appreciated. 
The chap does have the crossover also, not sure what he is asking though.
This is more of a whim purchase and not a necessity.
I know one thing, it is going to be hard to slip them into the house without anyone noticing, lol...

If they still exist, try contacting Great Plains Audio. They have all things vintage Altec.
Was it your horn that was going or has gone bad? I had my A7 woofer burn out a coil last week,meters zero..If you push on the cone you can feel and hear it drag. Time for a recone..but I would at least, for starters, take the back off and meter directly (after removeing the wires from the connectors) to see what the ohms are on the internal coil.