New Linear Parasound Halo JC1+ monoblocks, an even more improved new John Curl design

The good old linear Halo JC1’s monoblocks were released 2003 and were one of the best and could drive anything without a sweat, even the Wilson Alexia with 0.9ohm loading.
These new linear JC1+ monoblocks have some very good improvements, and even better drive ability than the old.
At $17k not exactly cheap, but probably better than any others amp around that pricing.

Cheers George
BTW, You can buy mono block amps using these same NC1200 modules, same Hypex 1200 watt supply and Weiss op amps from VTV for $3000 the pair ($2600 with best Sparko Labs input op amp). Not as good of output wiring and output connections, nor chassis nor linear power supply for op amps. Still, a wonderful value. These modules are the same as what Mola Mola uses in their $17K mono blocks. The Mola Mola uses Bruno Putzeys discrete input stage while the VTV and Apollon use the Weiss discrete input stage.

If you want the stock op amp buffer built into the NC1200.....then a pair is $1800.....Dang! Even with the stock op amp it sounds really good. The Atsah amps sold 6 years ago for $9K using the stock input buffer.

Doesn’t matter what is said here above about Class-D by some that have vested interests in them.
There is no way in the world it can compete against these Parasound Halo JC1 or the JC1+ when driving speakers such as the Wilson Alexia many of the higher end B&W’s, fact!
Cheers George
If you have speakers like that then it makes sense that you MIGHT have to spend tons of money on big monster amps.  There are incredible sounding speakers that don't need 83 lb. back breakers and bank breakers to power them.  Most of us audiophiles (95%) don't have speakers that require that kind of current or super low impedance drive.....super fact!  If you own speakers that need tons of current and are super super hard to drive then you limit yourself to buying some seriously expensive heavy amps to power them.  Think before you buy your next pair of speakers.  If you can get a pair of speakers just as transparent for the same money (or less) and they are much easier to drive....then you have way more choices of amps and you don't need to spend as much money.....fact.

Check out Spatial X3 speakers.....powered 15 inch woofer and 97db sensitive, 8 ohm and you are only driving 100hz on up.  Very transparent!

Check out Tekton Moab, Encore and Ulfberht......high 90s sensitivity and 4 ohms.  Super transparent!....14 tweeters in parallel acting as midranges down to 400hz.

Check out GR Research....many open baffle kits using planar, cones, open baffle servo woofers..incredible sound.....way easy to drive.

Check out Li Speakers.....Chinese full range drivers that are 90 plus db to drive, super inexpensive and very transparent. 

I am sure the Parasound amps are very very nice.  But, do you need them?  Do you really need 180 amps peak!  Are you going on tour with the Who?  Are you filling a stadium with sound?  Are your speakers really that demanding?  Do you play that loud?  Remember, a speaker rated at 90db needs one watt at one meter....maybe 5 at your listening 100db at your seat requires 50 watts....and 110db requires 500 watts (all assuming nothing less than 3 ohms).  How loud do you listen?  However, if your speaker is 2 ohm or less then you need way more power for any given level.  Super low impedance speakers just don't make sense (unless you already own them and cannot let them go)  FACT! 

The NC1200 has tons of power and there are very very few speakers that they could not play super loud.  If you have never heard this module drive low impedance speakers than you know nothing of their capability (1200 watts at 2 ohms is plenty!).  This is not an "I think" game.  This is an "I know" game.  The only way you know anything in audio is to listen.  Words are just words.  Truth is discerned by the ear.

If you have speakers like that then it makes sense that you MIGHT have to spend tons of money on big monster amps.

Glad you’ve seen the light.
No one should make out class-d’s can drive 3ohm and below, with -phase angle like the Alexia’s, B&W’s etc Like they can be driven by Parasound’s, Gryphon’s etc. And like many other linear amps known for current ability can.
And there are many speakers just like that.
Who cares about a few speakers that are hard to drive? Only their owners and you. You keep saying it is so important....but to whom? If 95% of speakers (including low impedance ones) can be driven by the NC1200 then who are you talking to? I said MIGHT on purpose, because many of those so called hard to drive speakers....I am betting, would work fine with an NC1200. Never heard anyone say otherwise.....but you never know till you LISTEN.....which neither one of us have. So we know nothing......just guessing......but I would not bet against 1200 watts into 2 ohms (the amps rating). Why are you so obsessed about the few extremely hard to drive speakers? Are they the only good speakers on the planet? Maybe you should get out more.

If I were one of those looking for an amp in the Parasound price range and below (even if I was one of the 95% that does not ever need the current it gives).....then I would evaluate it to see if it sounds great on my speakers....even if my speakers were 95db and 8 ohm. The sound of an amp is what I am interested transparent is it? Does it give me goosebumps.....does it sound real and wow...ish. If I were one of those few that had a super hard to drive speaker and I could afford the Parasound then it would be an obvious amp to try and I also would try the $6K Apollon all out NC1200 because it competes with $20K Krell mono blocks and there is nothing wrong with paying less.....more other toys to buy......or give it to charity.

Only by trying something in your home can you know something.  It is not what someone "thinks" and "states" on a forum that is real.  It is only what you experience that is real.  Please, trust yourself.