Go Buy Some Music You Deadbeat Streamers!

Go buy and album or a song you deadbeat streamers.

No really an interesting read.

I guess I am in the 10% minority with my recent purchase of 4 CDs by artist Marcus King, a very good younger soul, southern rock, and blues guitarist/songwriter.
Those CDs were immediately ripped to my Antipodes server and then good to go for playing in my vehicle.
However, these days, like the trend, I purchase much, much less physical media.  Except for the music I ripped to my server from my moderately large collection of formerly purchased CDs, I mostly listen to stuff available on Tidal.
I just sunk two grand into cassettes the last couple of months. Was that wrong of me? 😳
The digital side of my system is acting as an expensive paperweight on my stereo rack.  I've been listening and buying strictly vinyl these days.  So much more satisfying!
I didn't read the article.  I listen to a lot of streamed music.  It's often a gateway drug, leading to purchases of vinyl.  I (used to) go to a lot of concerts.  The entertainment industry seems to be particularly susceptible to the current state of the world and if you want to keep hearing the music, then it's important to support the artists if you can.  If they can't make a living making music, they'll find something else to do.
I've stuck with vinyl the entire way. The great majority of music I buy is  the new/er stuff on vinyl. There's plenty of early stuff that will always be there when I'm ready.