Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp?

A request for recommendations by those with experience with different 6SN7 tubes.

My system so far is a Pass Labs XA25 SS Amp, and a circa 1988 Tannoy FSMs.
The speakers operate at 4 ohms with a 94 sensitivity.

The room size is medium. Acoustically well treated.

I listen at lower volumes 60-75db. Vocals mostly.

I am looking for the most musical preamp, with a remote.

Budget is $3k. Used preferred. Better value.

Not considering anything from Schiit Audio.

Considering- Supratek Chardonnay.

Any other suggestions?

Tube Ideas?

Thank you!
Hello Chorus, I remember responding once before to you on another subject. Anyway, I’ve listened to a lot of 6SN7 tubes in my life. I haven’t heard all of the very good ones but I’ve heard enough. Whenever I look for sounding that has a musical sound, I'm not desiring to give up transparency; I’m also looking that it is transparent too. So musicality to me means something not very detailed and clean sounding but full and textured with great clarity.  Some of the tubes mentioned here are very good, like the TungSol’s but they might be very expensive. But other tubes, like the Sylvania “W” are very clean sounding and even though they are fantastic, you might not find them to be what you’re looking for. One tube that comes to mind that I feel is the perfect one you’re looking for is the genuine Sylvania Crome Dome made in 1957 and 58.  There is a big misunderstanding online of what the genuine Chrome Dome looks like. I can forward you info on this so that you can get correct information. 
Actually the Sylvania were made in the early 50’s, around 51 or 52. I mistook the year with another item. 

I appreciate your remembering an earlier inquiry. I have found this
forum very helpful in the past for either confirming my direction or
exposing options I knew nothing of.

I do not possess the vocabulary or years of experience to be
able to so eloquently express what rolls off your tongue.

When I say I am in pursuit of musicality I mean I want to
feel the music move me. I really can't describe it any differently.
I do not have that skill set.

Thank you.
Hello Chorus, ok so I got a better understanding of what your looking for.  I personally find, the more revealing a system is, the more I am affected by its performance even at low listen level. I think you will do well with the 1945 Sylvania 6SN7W short bottle.  Very revealing, very immediate, and musical.  I know of a lot of great 6SN7 tubes but I do not want this to be a confusing process.