Help me select an integrated amp for Thiel CS3.6 speakers

Room is 25 x 25 and fully carpeted. The speakers are in the corners -  this cannot be changed.

Looking for suggestions for an integrated amp that will work well with this speaker. Looking to spend around $2500 but will go to $4000 if it makes sense to do so. This obviously removes the higher end Pass, Luxman, Levinson etc from the discussion.

Two on my radar are:
1) Rotel RA-1592
2) Parasound Hint 6.

They both have plenty of watts and bluetooth for apple/tidal/ connectivity. My source will be streaming or buying a streamer at some point.

I am planning on buying without being able to audition unfortunately.

Any help would be appreciated. 


Ditto for those calling for high current. Integrated won't cut it with 3.6's in a room that big. That's close to the size room I had. I'd suggest a Krell FPB 300, which was where I finally found relief. Until I twisted off and got some CS6's, which I never got enough power for. Krell mono 250's were ok, I agree with previous post: sell the 3.6's and get some efficient speakers. I have Vandersteen 3A sigs in a smaller room than yours, and a Classe ca 2100 is fine at 100 wpc double down..Vandys might work for you, if you stay away from the bigger guys...
Lets see if i can sum this up:

1) Get an amp/preamp combo - a big powerful amp. Mentioned were amps costing alot more than i wanted to spend. Coda and J1 were suggested as well. Space of the wall unit just doesn't allow for this, but i will remeasure.

2) Get rid of the speakers and start over.

3) The Hegel H390/H360 at $6000 and some costing alot more (ex. Gryphon, Pass int-250)

4)Hint 6 which is the best option for midpriced integrates (provide an "ok" listening experience).

Thanks for everyone's input. 
epz OP
Lets see if i can sum this up:

Looks like the bucks are tight, great speakers, keep them, look for a used Parasound Halo integrated if you can’t find used Gryphons.

PS with the Parasound Integrated’s you get a Sabre Dac in them, so this helps with the buck layout. Here’s a used one for $1600 offer him $1200 see how you go.

Cheers George