The science of opinion ...

Some may find this interesting (it is).

Some may find this threatening (it isn't, it is science).

Some may read it and use it to help them understand the dynamics of internet forums.
@teo_audio Do we have any examples of reformed "dogmatic mindset negative proofing types" and their redemption stories? Likely not to help, given the ’type,’ but may make for interesting reading....

Erik was smart enough from the get go, IMO, but I’ve noticed recently that he has decided to go more public with his thoughts and ideas on how intellectualism, discovery work, and exploration works - re some of the threads he has started.

I sensed he had it in him to do so..and he does...

Thus I find it is more of a internal psychological perception and perceptual base issue than anything else.

eg, in congruent fashion of illustration of the base required re shifting one’s self... never sign off a letter with ’take care’, but sign off with ’take risks’.

These sort of perceptual base shifts can’t happen over night and take years years (even decades) to execute. Slow boil, slow burn. It is the nature of the mind. Most that make it to this nebulous ’there’ point, have had things in their lives that seeded that coming condition of mind. Eg, stress and extremes can be very useful, in some critical or fundamental ways, when in the right life at the right time.
Thanks, @teo_audio   I meant in the greater human historical universe...I'm guessing here, but there are likely to be some luminary examples and they may even have written about their transformations / shifts....
Then we get into the concepts behind the origins of science, which is philosophy, and that can garner some very nasty barbs from the overtly dogmatic.....
Say what you will about Ethan, but I am quite certain of something, if someone is spending real money to set up the acoustics for a professional studio, they certainly aren't going to be hiring geoffkait, not thyname, and sorry teo_audio, but outside your sphere of influence, not you either.  I also don't see respected and successful books on audio with your names on it either.

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with him on everything, not even everything in acoustics, but the average audiophile is going to learn far more about improving their sound from him, since most audiophiles, the vast majority, have acoustically deficient spaces ... and that applies to people with very expensive systems as well.  He also believes his expertise extends to all things audio, and I don't believe that is the case .... but like anyone on this thread is not guilty of that?

Sorry thyname, I don't believe for a moment that Ethan has numerous accounts that he posts under. That was a slander/libel created by one notorious vendor in the audiophile community, who used that to attempt to deflect his own dishonesty and inability to stand behind his claims. It it obvious from the posts, whether writing style or knowledge behind the posts, that they are not Ethan.

p.s. is a news aggregator of science oriented press releases. It is not where one does scientific research.