Bryston or Aragon

My son is a music lover like I am.  He plays bass and dabbles in audio recording.  Well he’s all grown up now and has his own family and home and he has decided to leave his Yamaha receiver behind and stick his toe into the world of hi fi.  He needs a power amp.  He has done his research, browsed audiogon and talked with me and has decided on either a Bryston 4BST or an Aragon 8008BB.  Both are within his budget on the used market.  Initially the amp will be paired up with an Adcom GFP 555 (I think), a Technics turntable, some kind of CD player and my old Polk SDA 1A speakers.  If you have had experience with either of these amps please share your thoughts. I know there are other options that might fit the bill but he is firm on these two.  Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
First off thanks for the helpful feedback.  I’ve decided to go with Bryston for two reasons, their customer service and the fact that being a bass player my son would be happy with a strong bass performer.  Also, for future reference the current Aragon does service legacy products made by Mondial and Klipsch.
It's apples and oranges. With those components, he will enjoy either one as long as the amp doesn't have issues in the near future. Most people just getting into audio have a low threshold for fixing gear.

If you have the money, for fun and a learning opportunity for both of you, buy both. Try them out and sell off the one you don't love.

A while back, I did something like that with two amps. One had lower power and no power protection circuit, but sounded sweeter than the more powerful amp. I went with the more powerful amp thinking that's what I needed. It may have been better to keep the sweeter sounding amp. It was a little more lively in presentation.

Don't get your son to bogged down in comparison's like this. At the very least, buy the amp that is in better condition, and he'll be happy.
Focusing on specs is like only looking at a person's resume. You could easily miss hiring the wrong person. That's my wisdom of the week ...
I've never been a big fan of Bryston amps and I have tried a few. They lack ultimate transparency coupled with a slightly truncated sound-stage. Just my observations when making comparisons to other amps. I do like the Aragon amps, (getting most right) even though they sound a bit sterile (can be off-set) with a warmer sounding tube preamp.
After reading your post to go for the Bryston I have to say that it is a better choice then the Aragon 8008 which I did not like when compared with the earlier models the 2004 MK II and the 4004 MKII.