Best Interconnects for under $300 pair

Lets face it 90% of audiophiles are in this price range, and very good cables can be bought. I have tried various cables by Kimber, AudioQuest, Cardas, but my top pick at this price is the beautiful new SilverAudio Hyacinth. I have owned SA SilverBullet 4s and thought they were superb....much better in all respects to Kimber SilverStreak, but these new Hyacinths are slightly better in all respects to SilverBullet 4, yet are almost the same price! Best value available today for audiophiles....any other contenders?
I agree the SilverAudio's are the best. I've tried many of the brands mentioned here. An extremely neutral (not heard) cable. I was looking for a cable that had no sound. I only wanted to here the music. I am using the 6.0's
Glad you said it first Carl, as I was not wanting to sound negative - but the Harmonic Technology is horribly over-hyped. I have tried a whole set of their stuff over a decent period and found every one of them had some kind of anomoly that should not exist in a high-end system.
I've been saying it for a while, but we all have to make up our own mind in our own time, I guess. The HT might work in some systems, but not in most, it seems to me. The Alpha Core just seem flawed from the start (the two poles are touching thru the whole length of the cable, with a micron or so of dielectric separating them). If somebody has tried others, and they just love either of these, then they must really like the particular sound they're getting...but I don't know why they would. There are many other factors, of course. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME ABOUT THE GUY WITH THE ARRAYED-RIBBON SPEAKERS, REDKIWI?
Try Light-Star audio. They make very good silver cables and give a 100% money-back guarentee. can't loose.
I'd try JPS Labs Ultraconductors (about $130 for 1.5 meter pair). Not bright, dark or clouded: just smooth, neutral and no exaggerations. You might also want to check out The Cable Company (, as you can home audition cables through them before making a purchase decision. They carry a large range of interconnect and cable manufacturers, and a very broad range of prices.