Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY

Hello to all...

Have recently been 'exposed' to the concept of cable cooking to improve performance, but would like to pay someone who has one, to do it to my interconnects and speaker cables, each for a 3 day (72 hr) treatment... Would be nice if you are in the Metro NY area, but would be willing to ship to you if out of area.

Would also like to hear from someone with comparative experience (geoffkait?) in using this and/or cryogenic treatment: if results are different, one more effective than the other,  one more lasting than the other, must treatment be redone periodically?

Please relate real-life info ( don't be a second level whistleblower, passing relayed to you experiences...).

Best Wishes to all.
It’s unlikely cryogenic treatment of things audio can be completely explained by “more homogeneous arrangement of atoms” or “stress reduction” since home freezing at -10 degrees F is nearly as effective as deep cryo. There’s a little bit of a mystery here, I’m afraid. Perhaps it’s the very low entropy environment of a cryo cooler or home freezer. I’m reminded of the photos-in-the-freezer tweak. 🥶 🤡 Obvious advantages to home freezing are low cost and not having to wait a week or two to get stuff back from the cryo lab. When you have to have it overnight!
If your next step is to start dipping your equipment into liquid nitrogen, the one after that may need to be your cables’ lap or two aboard Virgin Galactic. It would truly bring your system to new heights.

Just sit back, relax, and take recommendations with a truckload of salt. If nothing else, ask your real friends what they think of any recommendation you are considering. It is a wild world out here and not everything that glitters is gold.
If your next step is to start dipping your equipment into liquid nitrogen, the one after that may need to be your cables’ lap or two aboard Virgin Galactic. It would truly bring your system to new heights.

>>>>>Sometimes it’s a little difficult to believe people can be so blatantly ignorant of common and well-understood things like cryo treatment, even if it is just an audiophile thing. Nobody is suggesting dipping anything in liquid nitrogen. If you’re pretending to be a newbie you’re doing an excellent job, glupson!

"Nobody is suggesting dipping anything in liquid nitrogen."

A few posts above is this...

"Your cable or player goes in a chest freezer right along with camshafts, brake rotors, custom hunting knives and musical instruments. In goes the liquid nitrogen, down goes the lid, and we wait."
Even you could understand.
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