what is it in audio that you dislike most?

Hello everyone,

The positives in the audio hobby are extensive. incredible preserntations. sound which reaches out and grabs you physically and emotionally. it can be both soothing and exciting simultaneously.

despite its innate attraction, from time to time there is something related to the audio past time that can be absolutely irritating, disparaging, or is just plain offputting.

Now and then there is soemthing in the presentation, or at a dealership/seller you simply can not abide.

maybe it is how you were/are treated in a dealership or showroom by the salesman. Maybe its just his or her attitude that hits you wrong.

could be the system being shown is setup incorrectly.

could be too that various components are not even plugged in properly and the supposed demo is just clumsy and unprofessional.

maybe even the speakers have not been appropriately configured to the space, or the amp to speaker matching is off, reversed, or out of phase.

worse still, various items are not run in well.

Perhaps all is great at the showroom or show but in the sonic depiction there is no bass, or not enough, or it is merely a one note affair.

could be its a bright shrill, top end.

as well, maybbe you hate to find the demonstration dry or without detail and without depth.

what is the thing in or about audio dealers, demos, or listening that you find unacceptable, irritating, or that you simply will not put up with for long, or at all?

1 A sterile or analytical presentations. highly detailed yet uninvolving.
2 A bright strident top end.
3 ill defined imaging
4 Poor lower range representation.
5 A dealers condescending attitude " if they don't sell it, it is not worth owning."
6 Dealers that say, Why in the world would you want tubes and all that distortion they bring to the table?
7 Dealers that say Yes, we are an authorized seller of XYZ but we don't inventory any of their products, but we can order them for you.
8 no dealerships near by.
9 snake oil
10 price

I'm sure you've run across something about the sound or the transaction experience which you have found
makes you walk away, or want to turn it off.

what is it IYO?

Post removed 
What I dislike most is the industry.

The markups from manufacturers and dealers are absurd. Instead of servicing the affordable market with good products they instead shovel out crap -- class D, green circuit-board integrateds, switching PSUs, el-cheapo 10lb speakers, IC-based amps, etc and so on. Consumer trash.

Having a good system shouldn't cost the same as a new car. Having a high-end system shouldn't cost as much as a luxury yacht. It's not defensible, and I hope they go out of business when the last of the boomer's savings accounts and credit lines dry up.
Yeah, right. It’s everyone else’s fault. You are just a victim. 😩
Digital sounding amps.  I just heard $6000 worth of Rotel digital crap that ruined the sound of perfectly good B&W 804 speakers.  The salesman finally said, "I know it is not something you could listen to for an extended period".  If I designed something this terrible, I suppose I could add some tubes to the output to smooth it out.  Designers, just use some good discreet parts for god's sake... so to speak.