Audible Illusions modulus 3A, what would be the next level of up grade?

I have the Mod3A. simaudio 400m mono blocks, vpi scout II hyper model, ps audio gcph with level 1 underwood mods, tekton pendragon speakers
The classic line would be, it sounds great!
 I think me pre part of my system is where I should upgrade.
 Any suggestions?
I just bought a L3A from Art that was a dealer demo.  He completely refurbished it to make it in as new condition.  It took a month to receive it and several phone calls,  but I honestly expected it.  I think the whole shooting match is Art, his wife and the tech. Anyway, it was a great deal and Art was responsive.  I am pleased with the L3A and M3B I own.  Musical, reliable and affordable. 
Hey dmc, how is the L3A compared to the M3B ? I hwve the vida lcr phono amp and will.only be using their line stage.

Btw, is your vanilla or black gate L3A ?


I just received a AI L3B line Stage PreAmp, after an unreasonable 12 week buildout. It is georgeous, inside & out. In my rig (a recapped Conrad-Johnson Premier 11a, Martin-Logan Aerius’ speakers) except for the waittime, I am very happy. 
I've been waiting for my L3B since March. I'm due soon but, man, the wait is damn near killing me!
Glad you're happy with yours!
This thread brings back so many memories. I had a Modulus 3 w/phono that I was very pleased with but it started getting noisy in one channel. I re-tubed it but that didn't solve the problem so I called Art and he said to send it in, which I did. After several MONTHS I started calling him every week. He said his tech was on vacation, etc., etc. Finally after 9 months, I guess he got tired of me calling and sent me a brand new 3A with gold phono board at no charge. It was a nice upgrade and worked great. When I got the upgrade itch, I replaced it with an ARC, which I love  but kinda miss the Modulus and phone calls with Art.