How loud do you play music?

I bought the above Sound level meter which give out peak reading.

It tuned out that peak db is around 85 db at my listening chair.

From time to time I got over 90db but I found the sound to be too loud.

But last night I recorded 105db while playing .

There is some behind story for this.

About one week ago after swapping some IC cables, I started hearing ground hum.

At first I guessed that there must be some problem with IC cables but not.

Thus I pulled back two big 2KW isolation transformers that I had kept for 20 years.

I had not used them for last 7 years since they are heavy and taking lot of space.

With those two isolation transformers in Line Magnetic SET amplifier and power supply of Lansche 4.1 speakers, 80% of ground hum disappeared.

I bought one more 450W isolation transformer from Amazon and set it up with my EMMlab DAC2 and now almost 90% of ground hum are gone.

The amazing thing is that some digital sheen is also gone after setting up three isolation transformers.

I bought 2 packs of 20 magnetic cores.

I put them on digital, IC and speaker cables.

Now I can play music above 100db without ear aching hardness.

The only drawback of magnetic cores is that it may sound less open or slightly less dynamic.

But I am comfortable with the round and musical sound after putting three isolation transformers and 30 magnetic cores.

2 packs of 20 magnetic cores cost me 24 $ including tax.

This is the best value tweak that I had done on my system.

Hi Geoff

If you enjoy loud and dynamic sound, can I ask you the speaker you are using?


I don’t like loud for the sake of loud. I like Dynamic Range. But most systems won’t sound dynamic at low volumes, they usually require a certain amount of energy to get cooking. Loudness and Dynamic Range are not the same thing. Almost all systems lack proper dynamics to me, but that’s just me. 😁 That’s kind if the whole idea behind the Loudness Wars - they substituted Loudness for Dynamic Range.
As alone today decided to crank it on vinyl with new to me cartridge fitted.

93db average with peak at 106db.

And it still sounded sweet and clean.

Happy camper with my system indeed !
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Each recording has it's optimal volume. I use sticky notes on the inner sleeves of LPs and the inside covers of CDs to note the proper volume and the best cuts. 
