Does anyone use wood for vibration control?

What kind of wood have you found to be best?
hard, dense wood (like ebony) with one side treated with piezo-electric vibration damping. 

Ironically perhaps the type of wood is much less important when used as the top plate of an isolation stand due to the fact that the top plate is isolated right along with the component sitting on the top plate. Obviously, you still have to deal with induced vibration from motors, etc. as well as airborne vibration. But they are relatively easy to deal with by appropriate damping techniques. Marigo VTS Dots (constrained layer dampers), for example oh, and correct mounting techniques for the component and iso stand. Thus establishing a comprehensive vibration management program. Hint if you can’t decide on which type of wood to use, don’t fret as nice 3” thick slabs of granite or bluestone work very well, indeed, either as a support or as top plate for an iso stand. 

If it's not vibrating you would hear nothing at all. I personally have never seen or heard of an isolated audio system. I've only seen HEA marketing using the term isolation as a sales tool.

Repeatedly the simple question is asked, if you kill the vibration than what are you listening to? Audio is vibration and has been described as nothing but vibratory on any scientific level ever taught unless HEA has created it's own science.

Maybe it's time we set up our in-room listening labs and reference this.

Michael Green

If it’s not vibrating you would hear nothing at all. I personally have never seen or heard of an isolated audio system. I’ve only seen HEA marketing using the term isolation as a sales tool.

Strawman argument alert!

Obviously we’re not talking about the acoustic waves, at least I’m not. I’m talking about the vibrations that interfere or distort the pure signal produced by the speakers. This includes, again obviously, speaker cabinet vibrations, vibrations that interferes with the electrical audio signal running through power cords, fuses, wires, capacitors, speaker crossovers, etc. I’m not sure why some folks are so wrapped up on this false logic. It’s a mystery to me. 

Now, if by the word “tuning” you mean reducing vibration or changing the Fr by applying pressure I’m all for it. But, come on, people! Anyone who hasn’t gotten the memo regarding isolation of speakers yet is living in the proverbial Stone Age, gentle readers. This isn’t rocket science, folks! 🚀

The word isolation strikes fear into the hearts of pro audio enthusiasts. 👻

The only good vibration is a dead vibration. ☠️

Metaphors be with you!