Is Pre-Amp needed

Is a preamp needed.  I run my oppo 205 direct to an MC275-6 for two channel audio and it sounds good, but am wondering how much better a pre-amp would make it sound. A pre-amp seems necessary for multiple sources, but not for just one source.  Would it just be an extra link in the chain or would it greatly improve the sound? 
OPPO degraded using a preamp? OPPO was designed as a bluray player with audio second in mind. Bluray players for music are a big nono IMO.

The preamp will always take the source and modify it according to it’s output. Remember, source is source, preamp and amp takes that source and runs it thru it’s circuitry.
Yes, end result changes. I’ve owned several OPPO’s, it was convenient for .flac files but I always ended up going back to the Simaudio i3 SE and Simaudio CD player for serious listening.
End result: bad recording, bad source does not get better, altho you can change it somewhat.
All volume controls add a sound . Its up to your ears as to what sounds good . Me , I have a Oppo 105 for my bluray and cable tv audio and video . I prefer a volume pot with the 105 , The 105 volume set to 100 % . 
Based on my limited experience, preamp is most important part after your speakers. 
I’d go: 
1) Speakers  
2) Placement/positioning 
3) Room treatment 
4) Power amp 
5) Pre-Amp / DAC
I believe the difference between those who like preamplification, vs. those who like passive, is as wide as analog vs digital, or tubes vs. ss. I have made my decision after owning some top tier preamps. My dacs drive my amplifiers beautifully, through passive units, and I simply hear more, of the recordings, then with top tier preamps in the systems. Not much more to talk about. 
A preamp are the “lungs”, the poweramp :”the heart”. Just like that. A good préamp,gives a beautiful signal to the poweramp. It means, it is very important. In a integrated amplifier is off course,the preamp very important.. the big advantage is:much less cabling. You cann't match like you want, because it’s from the same brand.