Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Maceear, I must admit that when I received them, I was dubious to say the least. They are so small to have the effect they have. They are supposed to be in the Exemplar suite at THE Show in January.
I read theaudiobeat review, Focalfan, and came away with a completely different conclusion. Mr. Mickelson seemed to love the speaker, giving it a rave review. Perhaps, as English is clearly not your first language, something got lost in the translation?
"if iwant to buy this speakers, after reading the review, idon't. it is not a good review and mr. mickelson "dances" around with words and words, but not the point.
never heard of "audiobeat"???"

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Focalfan, "However, as audiophiles well know, perception and sonic reality are often unrelated, and the Sunrays definitely excel at the latter. I doubt that a potential buyer lost in the music that pours forth will hesitate because of what's beneath the gleaming surface of the Sunrays." "There were truly special qualities to the Sunray's treble and midrange, at least for those of us who value a natural, unhyped portrayal with lavish detail."

I think Bostonbean is right. Perhaps you are biased for some reason.