We are buying and reviewing gear all wrong

So let's assume that cables, power conditioners and electronics all contribute noticeably to the sounds we hear.

In that case, maybe the idea of buying individual gear, reviewing individual gear, etc. is all messed up.
We should review entire systems, and buy entire systems.

This idea that we constantly shuffle interconnects, speaker and power cords for all our lives is messed up.

We shouldn't be looking at audio stores or reviewers as recommending gear, but themes. Styles. Entire collections all at once.
Or evaluate gear without all the tweaks, based on good set up and whatever is necessary to deal w/ room acoustics. 
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Active speakers is not a very good idea - amps don't exactly like vibration. Besides, you cannot use other amps. This is not audiophile approach. Integrated is not quite an audiophile approach either, with maybe a few very best qualify, maybe.
Eric--I somewhat already follow this concept as do others. When I go to an audio show I pay close attention to the entire "system" that is being presented. If you hear a system you love, and you can afford it, then it doesn't make a lot of sense, to me anyway, to vary from the formula presented. But, what usually happens is the entire system is financially beyond reach--so it is acquired over time and during that time variations on the "presented system" are experienced in one's home. Now, the listener is faced with a unique combination providing a sound quality that the listener didn't hear at the show (or the showroom). Is it preferential to what the listener previously heard? Ah, this is what makes the audiophile world go round and round.