Kuzma/Koetsu feedbak??

I am seriously considering the purchase of a new TT rig.  It consists of a Kuzma Stabi XL DC turntable, a matching Kuzma 4 Point 14" tonearm, and a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge.  It will be played through a Naim 500 series amp and preamp and phono stage.  The speakers are a pair of brand new Grandinote Mach 36's.  I would appreciate any and all feedback from those familiar with this equipment.
Thanks for taking the time,
Hello all........Sorry I disappeared over the past several days, especially since I started this thread.  The holiday and illness (not related) took their toll.  I want to thank all those who opined.  Clearly your level of experience and knowledge in these areas far outweighs mine.  I was speaking with a dealer yesterday about all this and he threw a monkey wrench into the entire Koetsu concept, claiming that in his "vast experience" the Koetsu's, although they sound incredible, regularly break down with the slightest provocation.  I've not heard that before.  He also strongly recommended Clearaudio, and no, he was not trying to sell me anything since he is located across the continent from me.  (I'm in NY.)  Any thoughts?  Also, I'd love to hear more about the comparisons between various Koetsu cartridges, especially the stone bodied.  There are so many options!
You can check the archives of this forum and on Vinyl Engine and Vinyl Asylum.  If you search on "Koetsu", I do not think you will find evidence to support the contention of the person with whom you spoke.  Yes, some people love Koetsu and some don't, but I have not seen  comments that collectively indicate an endemic problem with fragility.

Personally, I have always disliked Clearaudio cartridges.  They tend to have a sterile or "clinical" sound that I find fatiguing.  My opinion is based on listening to some of their most expensive models on very high end turntables, but it's entirely possible that their less expensive cartridges actually sound better.  
@lewm   Thanks for the feedback.  Any thoughts about the Clearaudio turntables themselves?
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