New preamp in system

I was using Linear tube audio MZ2 no remote. There was a clear out price on the Conrad johnson ET-3SE so I ordered a brand new one since I use to own a 17LS2 10 yrs ago. Right out of the box it sounds very similar to the broken in MZ2. I will see 500 hrs later if any more changes. Maybe MZ2 a smidgen fuller & airier. I was running brimar 12bh7s & Shuaguang cv181 black treasure in my MZ2. Moral of the story is don't believe everything you read online and reviews saying this is bright and harsh. I laugh at the reviewer from Home theater review. Btw I am using the Tungsram 7dj8 not the stock 6922eh in the cj. Good luck listening!😁
As I listen more to the cj seems instrumental action is better than MZ2. Bass a bit better with cj. I think cj is a bit more detailed.
.... and for those of you that don't beleive in break-in, 
      it's already better at the ten minute mark!!!
Enjoy, kw6. It'll get even better!
Have you tried the Psvane globe 6SN7 from Grant Fidelity?  I have and love them.
I had a cj pv10 back in the day.Such a warm and musical sound.I auditioned it next to a sunfire tubed pre.The sunfire was more transparent but I loved the cj because it just "sounded right" as per their slogan:)Now I have an older rogue pre which I'm currently comparing to my new mz2.In my system the mz2 has transformed my system for the better in every way.System synergy and listening tastes are everything.The rogue will go in a second system.It's a fine component still imho.Enjoy your new cj!