I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
Yes fair priced cables still sell,just made first Agon sale in some time today, and it was very fairly priced interconnect pair.
But at least a new owner is getting a great deal.
It does seem that things are not selling as briskly here as we'd hope; certainly my recent experience reflects this. While I'm not a prolific seller on A'gon, I do have some worthy items I'd like to find homes for but they sure don't seem to be moving. I'm on my third listing for a set of quite good speakers and I really think my price is fair but so far haven't seen much in the way of response. (Well, okay a few insultingly lowball offers, but no reasonable ones). I recently sold a set of speaker wires for less than I was hoping to get, and a previous pair went through 2 1/2 listing cycles before selling after multiple price reductions.

The point is that the market does seem to be shrinking and we can point to any number of factors affecting it. I'd put market-saturation at the top of that list, followed closely by an aging constituency (I guess I fall into that category) and then the fact that HEA doesn't seem to be attracting a younger following. My recent visit to the California Audio Show in Oakland was a bit of an eye-opener in that regard: I'd guess the average age of the attendees on the day I was there was somewhere in the late 50s.

Well, now that summer's over, let's see if things pick up a bit and we can find homes for all that wonderful stuff we've enjoyed and want to pass along. Fingers crossed...

This may have already been discussed but are the new pictures where half of it is blurred out something listers have to pay extra to get rid of? These things absolutely kill the site for me.
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Why would you waste the time to go look at speakers you think are overpriced?