Looking for HDMI cable which introducing lowest jitter


I am looking for a HDMI cable which has potentially the lowest jitter for audio signal.  I am playing SACD through HDMI output of Oppo 103D to a receiver.  

Any recommendation based asked on your experience or the measurements result?  Any external link will be very helpful.

thank you

I would recommend the Wireworld silver cable or the silver plated copper if you are on a budget.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

I have enjoyed a PS Audio DirectStream DAC & Memory Player and a few weeks ago decided to replace the stock cable provided by PS Audio with a Wireworld Silver Starlight HDMI cable and immediately enjoyed "more musical" results.  I can't explain the difference, but it does now sound "smoother", with acoustic sounds (piano, violin, voices, etc.) sounding a bit more "natural".

I have a good friend who works for NASA and tells me that the electrons travel on the outside of surface of a wire.  Silver does have slightly better conductivity, compared with oxygen-free copper.  So if you go with a "silver plated" or "silver clad" cable, to make sure it's high quality.  All my cabling is Wireworld Silver Starlight, I find it to be great performance at their price points.  I do suspect that their solid silver cabling might be better, but it's nearly triple the price of the silver clad.
Audioengr and ejr1953:

Thank you for your suggestions.  I will look into Wireworld brand.  I looked at their websites and technology appears to be rational.  

Thank you very much!

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