Thiel 3.6's vs. Vandersteen 3 sigs

Looking to upgrade. Currently have Vandersteen 2ce's which sound great, but have slight bass. So, I had to get a Velodyne FSR 12 to compensate, but this is not a really good match, I know. Anyway, I miss the bass that my old Thiel 03a's had by themselves. I'm guessing that Thiel 3.6's may cover all bases well. I'm not familiar with the VD 3 sigs, just hoping that they would cover the low frequencies better. Of course, the other option in to get the Vandersteen sub and keep the 2ce's. By the way, the speakers are powered by a Moscode 600 with a Rogue Audio 66 Magnum preamp. Any suggestions?
If you like the 2CE sonic signature you should certainly try the 3A Sig, they produce more bass and have a better midrange. The Thiel's sounds quite different from VS, I'm not sure they would make you happy if the 2Ces are your cup of tea, but for the bass.
I am a current Vandy 3A Sig owner and a former Thiel 03A owner (years ago). There is a world of difference between the Thiel sound and the Vandy sound. I find the Vandy's to be much closer to providing natural intrumental timbres than the Thiel's (which I consider to be "HI-FI" speakers if you kinow what I mean). I found my Theil's to be fatiguing - to the point that I eventually swapped out the tweeters to try to ameliorate the high end issues. That phase has long since passed and now I am a very happy owner of the Vandy 3A Sigs. I am very satisfied with the low end from this speaker in my rather small room. I have not heard the 2Ce's so I can't tell you how much better they are on the low end. But my main point still stands - Vandy's and Theil's are very different speakers and I can't imagine you liking the Theil's if you have been happy with the Vandy's overall sound, bass issues aside.
If you like the 2CE sonic signature you should certainly try the 3A Sig, they produce more bass and have a better midrange. The Thiel's sounds quite different from VS, I'm not sure they would make you happy if the 2Ces are your cup of tea, but for the bass.
The Thiel 3.6 bass goes pretty deep, but it is very well-controlled, such that you may feel it comes across somewhat lean, especially after the Vandy 2CEs. The mids and highs are good given that used speakers have been broken in. The highs are not as sharp/harsh as some of Thiel's subsequent designs.

Remember also, the 3.6 has earned a reputation as a difficult load, with impedance dipping to below 3 ohms at certain frequencies. Your Moscode 600 is known to be capable with difficult loads (one powered a vacuum cleaner at a CES?), so this should not be a problem.