Inexpensive Tube Amps

Anyone have any experience with the following?  I want to try one just to see how the sound compares to my Yamaha and Denon solid states.  Since the Denon is living on borrowed time I will likely have to replace it this year anyway.  Looking at the Nubsound and noted a Germtune that is identical to the Nubsound but costs a bit more.  Reviews are largely good including those on other forums.
see this many times in the forums  where the OP will ask for opinions on a certain piece of equipment that they are thinking of getting......and when members suggest that you the OP look at something better, the OP then bring up other issues that stop the OP from getting something better.      a lot of times , if you buy something "better" then you dont feel the need to upgrade a few months down the road and you get get off the audio merry go round for a bit.        

regarding buying used......the equipment that you bought used and had issues with, it wasnt bought you have no feedback.    if you were to buy a used piece of gear here and you had an issue with it, that seller would do everything they can to make things right with they dont want the negative feedback.

I get that not everybody has extra money to just buy what they want....and if you are interested in any of these amps , then why not just get one and try it out yourself vs starting a thread on it ?      if you get it and dont like it, then send it back ( if you can ).          
Quicksilver is a company out of California that's long been known for making Mono Power Amps, hence the poster referring to a pair of them.  They've also released their first integrated amp recently, which retails for around $2K.

Like you I have been researching integrated amps on a budget.   I decided this would be my time to try Tubes after having been Solid State my whole life going all the way back to when I built a Hafler DH200 from a kit, and progressing over the years through brands like Aragon, Krell, Arcam, and YBA.  I'd dispersed my system several years ago when the realities of work and family left little time for listening to music.   I'm now getting back into the hobby but doing so on a budget.

I've just ordered a Yaqin, which is on it's way now, from one of the sellers you linked to.  I considered waiting to save up for a Quicksilver, or a used Conrad Johnson, but you know what - I can listen now and save at the same time for a future upgrade.  I have many vinyl friends of old sitting in sleeves waiting to make my acquaintance again.   Like you, I've never heard what I ordered and spent some time considering the fact it's from China.   The many positive reviews of those who've tried them, some of whom clearly know of what they speak, convinced me.  Good luck!

addyson815.  I thought the point behind forums such as this was to exchange ideas and gain information?  Precisely why I posted.  Boards like this would not exist if everyone just went out and tried a component without asking other people for some information or advice.

sbuckley.  Thanks for the info.  Good points.
OP, the three components you had listed, it looks like the first and the third one are the same amplifier just rebranded. If it were me, I'd go with the one of those two since they seem to have less moving parts to go wrong. By the way, I also bought a Yaqin A3 on a whim a year or so ago and it lives in my office driving a pair of small bookshelf speakers. It sounds OK for the $130 that I paid for it but it is not a proper representative of what a tube amplifier can and should sound like. And yes its 8.5wpc can drive medium efficiency speakers - I tried it with my Vandersteen 2Ci for giggles and music came out but it is nowhere near the sound quality that comes out of those speakers when fed properly.    
Will i too sense your frustration as Roxy54 described. Things do have a tendency to go off the rails a bit when inquiring on a budget Chinese product at such a reasonable price. I would only add these points in assessing whether or not to consider these products. Do you know a technician that can go over the amp prior to firing it up? Can you afford to send it back, presumably on your dime if it doesn't work out? What is the absolute limit of your budget, can you afford the risk if something bad happens beyond the amp? 

The point is that there are going to be compromises beyond labor and lack of regulatory requirements in China. I would try one if i could afford it failing without too much expectation that it could be returned back to China. Sure they may replace broken parts but good luck returning and expecting a full refund. If it were me and i were in your situation i would seriously consider a used tube design from an established manufacturer at the limit of what you are willing to pay. At least you will be able to resell with little if any monetary loss. One can read the on line reviews and conclude all is wonderful in paradise but at THOSE prices paradise may be too much of a bargin or in your case risk. You have received several excellent recommendations on some mainstream  manufacturers and you seem very thoughtful in processing. Good luck!