Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's

Hi guys, I will be on the market soon for a new amp and I keep looking at the Primaluna Amps, has anyone heard the Primaluna Dialogue Premium amp driving a pair of Harbeth's 30.1 speakers? these are 87d/b and I am not sure how this will work out?
It’s parts count. Not watts. Like I said, a $148 Sony receiver will meet it's 100wpc specs and at low distortion.  Look at the internal parts count, quality of parts, and weight.  Use Google Images and believe nobody.  

We recently had a double-blind level matched comparison between the $8500 75wpc Audio Research VSI75 and the $3399 PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium equipped with the same KT150 output tubes here at my store for members of Audiogon. Double-blind and level matched to within .1dB is the only real way to do it. The PrimaLuna had much less power. Not one person picked the VSI75 as better.

I have a latest production 75wpc McIntosh MC275 here with 200 hours on it, and minutes ago did a level matched A/B against a bone stock $3199 36wpc PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium. No comparison. Most notably in dynamics. I’m leaving it hooked up for any Agon members to come and spend some time and they can report back here. We’re going to have the same comparison for the LA Orange County Audio Society when they have their meeting here on March 18.

Both the ARC and Mac amps are good amps. Good amps, good companies. Our position is get better electronics for less money and invest the difference in better speakers where you should invest the most dollars.
I was personally underwhelmed with the PL Dialogue Premium when I finally got to audition it with my speakers. Harbeth bass tends to be slow and underdamped so why would you want to add to that issue with an amp that is not very good at controlling those woofers. The Dialogue I heard was well broken in and had warmed up for at least 45 minutes and the bass was close to MIA. The bass I could hear was slow and mushy compared to the various other SS and tube amps I've auditioned. The end.

I can’t explain your bad experience but I can say my experience with PrimaLuna has been nothing but musically satisfying. I feel that it’s truly one of the best bargains in highend audio and I’m not meaning that as a slight to PL. I think companies like ARC, Ayre, VTL, CJ and others make great products but for me I couldn’t be more satisfied with my PrimaLuna components. Music is fun again and to me that’s what it’s all about. At the end of the day we all hear differently so buy what makes you tap your feet and what makes you smile. For me it’s freaking PrimaLuna!

Hey clarinetmonster2 where did you make your demo?  Was it a dealer?  What speaker tap did you use?  

Stereophile Editor in Chief John Atkinson used a PrimaLuna HP specifically because of bass performance "speaking with a unified voice" when he reviewed the 87dB efficient YG Acoustics Carmel 2. To my knowledge he has never used a tube amp to write a speaker review at Stereophile.  The fact that he chose the HP amazed even him when he said  

"But once I'd found the amplifier—a tubed integrated!—that also played to its strengths, I very much enjoyed my time with the Carmel 2."

Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/yg-acoustics-carmel-2-loudspeaker-page-2#BhT8uVLCJuJ19aap.99  
Getting back to the point about amplifier power, I suggest you do your own calculations which is very very easy AND enlightening.  Most people never use more than 10 watts of power.  Playing music at 87dB is pretty damn loud. If there are any electrical engineers on this thread they know this.  

Put an SPL meter app on your phone and use this nifty calculator.  It allows you to add the appropriate amount of headroom too.  It's always good to arm yourself with knowledge especially when you go to a stereo store and the salesman knows less than you do.  
