TV gives me a headache when its on; any suggestions?

i'd like to have shows on in the background, but i find if the bugger is playing, my playback suffers (stage compression by way of higher noise floor) and i get a headache.

apartment dweller, btw. 

rippie sez:

  • "Stop watching FauxNooz and you'll feel relief almost instantly. Probably even pick up a few IQ points, too!"

Right you are lad. Make the switch over to CNN and within a matter of a month or two, you too can become a blithering idiot.

I went to the Doctor and told him it hurts when I do this, Doctor replied THEN DON'T DO IT
I only use my TV to play movies. The rest of the time I am enjoying music on my stereo. Why invest all of this money in audiophile caliber equipment if you are only going to watch TV in your spare time? The common definition for insanity is doing the same action over and over expecting a different result. Break the cycle and save a ton of money on your cable TV bill, money you could put back into your system.
95% of the time i watch tv its for sports and i dont need sound for that...ergo the tv & stereo at the same time.

IME of late, moving the TV et al to a diff circuit breaker has made a startling improvement. YMMV
I said, Doc, my ears ache when I watch TV. The Doc said you’re overly sensitive to rf. I said, I want a second opinion. He said, OK, you’re ugly, too.