budget tables

Can anyone comment on the current crop of 'budget t-tables'? Im curious about the You Turn Audio built in America table?

Also the 'Thorens' td-240, and Denon dp-300f. Im using a Pro-Ject debut lll now.

Thanx for your input,


Thanx MattMiller

I've about come to that idea too. Plus there's a dealer in Dallas who will set it up for me, and a tech shop.That amount of money is pricey for a boy like me but I think I'm gonna splurge. thanks to all for their input. 
PLX1000 is unbeatable under 2 grand . Bearings are set a bit loose in case
of DJ use . 30$ at a local store eliminated that !
With a Grado Sonata on it sings like a lark on acoustic music .
Hello @schubert 
What $30 tool did you get for bearing adjustment?
Thanks in advance.

I have an Edwards Audio Apprentice TT1 mk2 with the C100 cartridge.  It is the first real turntable I've owned but it does sound very good and comes well reviewed.  In college I had a Bang and Olufsen 
rotarius , The 30 bucks was price for tech to do it in Hi Fi store in Minneapolis . If I tried it would have ended up in trash .