looking for the best cd transport only, without dac

I have a Hegel H160 with inbuilt DAC and I'm looking for cd transport recommendation for $1000 or so. I have Harbeth SHL5 + and like an open and transparent sound. I've considered PS Audio PWT and other used options. I'm currently using my $75 Sony bluray player for transport and surprised how good it sounds. I've auditioned transports like Marantz and Cambridge. Options like Primare and Audionote I have't been able to listen to, the latter ones used to get closer to price point. There is also the Oppo 203, but wonder about quality of sound sacrifices in jack of all trades box? When I have compared the few transports I've tried the sound quality differences were quite subtle. So have people here done some serious comparisons of sound quality of just transports and have any great recommendations? Thanks
Yes, no mechanism by which transports could affect sonic quality and character of an audio system has been identified.

Nor are there any valid listening tests showing that they do.

So, I suggest the OP try 2 of them in a blind test and see how often he can pick one vs. the other in 20 trials.

Or... just get the Cambridge and forget about it.

Or... RIP IT

Into Shape.
BTW, speaker cables can alter the complex impedance, and that will alter the sound of some speakers (not Maggies, but the conehead types).

For DACs, it seems that loop currents are a major factor

also, there is RFI

...not that any of the above matters much relative to different speakers; and room treatments.

How about this one from Woo Audio? 


I have no personal experience with this unit but if I was looking this one looks interesting.

Besides the PS Audio PWT another excellent sounding CD transport I’m very familiar with is the CEC TL-1.
A good friend of mine had this and then purchase a used PWT after hearing one  in my system. Both transports were heard in his system matched with the Lampizator Big 5 and later using the Aesthetix Pandora Eclipse DAC.

Both transports provide exceptionally good, tone, timbre, dynamics musical flow and pace. Both are very engaging and draw you into the music. We felt that both are marvelous sounding. I’d say that the CEC is perhaps a bit fuller toned (very close). The PWT a bit more open and transparent (very close). Both of us were highly impressed by  these 2 transports overall.
Thanks for sharing your listening experience. This is just the sort of feedback and comparative listening I have been looking for. There have been some PWT's refurbished that were for sale here, but seem all gone for the moment. The last one for $800, which seems like very good value. I'm keeping an open mind on other alternatives or insights that emerge.