My experience with Galen Carol Audio

I called Galen Carol Audio today because they carry all three of the manufacturers of turntables that I am considering for an upgrade (SME, Clearaudio, and VPI).  Down here in Miami, there are not many analog dealers, so I looked elsewhere.

Galen himself answered the phone, and we had a 30 minute discussion on turntable manufacturing methods, differences in quality, and approach.  He is a kind, gracious person and very knowledgable about analog.  I was just so impressed with him that I was inspired to share this experience here on the forum!

If you need something that they sell, I would recommend giving Galen Carol a call!
I share this philosophy - serious upgrades not small steps. And if he makes more in cases people follow his advice - that may be good for both parties. I said "may" not "is" because in recommending this or that brand and model he will take into account his profit margins, which vary. And as always but especially at this high level - do not buy without listening. I don't know the prices, but you might also consider other German turntables - Brinkmann and TW Akoustic come to mind.
I'm located in the midwest. Positive experience with  Hollywood Sound in Fl. They do analogue too!
Larry of Hollywood Sound is the only one, I think, who sells Notingham turntables. He strongly dislikes MM cartridges, other than that he is easy to deal with.
LOL, I almost forgot about Larry... I bought my current table (Michell) and the last two cartridges (Dynavector and Lyra) from him! He also set up my Lyra on the Michell. I do like Larry.  He is another highly knowledgeable, down to earth dealer.  I am simply looking into three manufacturers that he does not carry.
In response to Marktomaras......
Thanks for your comments about my friend Galen Carroll. I started buying from him years ago, because San Antonio is my home town. After the first sale, I realized that Galen is a stand up guy and Ive been his customer ever since. My modest system is almost all sourced from him.
He's also steered me away from certain gear that I wanted, and he wanted to sell...cause it  just wasn't right for my system and/or listening room. have nothing but accolades for this guy.
Rose of SA