Ive always wanted one.....but.

Found a B&O beogram 4004 for $200. It works sometimes. The seller says he'll get it going before any money changes hands... I read a lot of revues of B&O gear...mostly bad revues. I'm about ready to blow this one off. If somebody can render an opinion Id like to hear it.
  I remember the Beogram 4004 and I don't recall it being a particularly good or reliable unit. Last time I was in a B &O store, it was in  a mall in southern California. Totally unimpressed. No offense to anyone, but isn't B & O kind of a overpriced non-audiophile Danish Bose?
Say, wasn't that the turntable without anti skate? It canted the cartridge at some angle to the record to keep it in the groove if I recall correctly. Not exactly state of the art. It does belong in a museum, however. 😀