Looking to completely overhaul my preamp section, knowledgeable people needed!

Hi everyone, first time poster here and all that...

I'm looking to do a complete overhaul of my preamp section. I'm currently running a Schiit Modi Uber II as a DAC, a Schiit Mani as a phono stage, and a Schiit Sys as a glorified volume control. This is outputting to an Adcom GFA555 power amp (this will eventually be upgraded to an Odyssey Stratos), then to a pair of LSA 2.1 Signature speakers.

At the moment I am considering a Parasound Halo P5 as an all in one solution or a new Schiit stack (Freya, Gungir) if I stuck with separates, and possibly some of Pro-Ject's lineup (Prebox RS digital). I would like something that is solidly engineered and measures well, but I don't place *perfect* measurements above all else.

To the extent that these components effect sound, I really enjoy a wide soundstage and precise imaging. Low background noise is very important as well. In terms of usability, I definitely would like a remote, solid volume control, and fully balanced inputs and outputs. 

Finally, my budget is $2000 but would prefer to spend less. I would also consider used options. Thanks!!

One other one to consider: you might be able to score a used PS Audio Directstream junior for about 2k. That would be a solid DAC/preamp choice as well. 
If it were me I would replace the separates with separates. Could be done in stages and allows greater flexibility. Possibly get a preamp with phonostage. I currently run a tube pre into a SS amp. 
FWIW - I replaced a 6H30/EZ80 tube preamp with a Schiit Freya. Aries Mini (fed from ALAC-ripped CD files or Tidal) through Gungnir Multibit has become my primary listening source. I’m very happy with the Freya/Gungnir combination going into a Taranis power amp and even a Hegel H200 running in HT by-pass mode. The sound is very analog-like. Another positive for me is that both are balanced designs. The Gungnir will not "do" DSD or MQA if that is important to you. It isn’t to me. I’ve done a little tube rolling (including NOS RCAs) with the Freya. I thought ICs to the power amp made a bigger difference. JFET buffer mode tends to be my default listening choice. For $2048 + shipping you could get Freya and Gungnir w/MB upgrade. Gen 5 USB is now stock on Gungnir. Both pieces have 5 year warranties. Good luck with your decision.

With recent experience and discoveries, I would avoid stuff with switching power supplies such as the Mytek Brooklyn or Benchmark dacs.   I have been in close communication with another user (robelvick) who initially went with a Benchmark DAC2 HGC and then moved over to a PS Audio Stellar Gain.  The Stellar Gain was a significant upgrade in sound quality.  The Benchmark has switching power supply with op amps, while the Stellar Gain is linear power supply with discrete Class A analog stages.  The difference is significant.  I have not personally heard the Stellar Gain, but my experiences with different topologies in general would agree that the Stellar Gain is superior.

I'm sure there are several available options, but the Stellar Gain would be an excellent choice.  The Parasound P7 is very nice, but it will not be as good as the Stellar Gain.  However, the P7 does have a phono preamp built into it.

Another option would be to look at some of the Audio-GD balanced DAC/premps, such as NFB-27.77.  Like Stellar Gain, it will be a superior DAC/preamp, but you will still need an off-board phono preamp.

The Adcom 555 is definitely a serious weak link here, so upgrading the amp is an excellent idea.

Ha! I just had a gentleman in another thread go on about how awesome the adcom 555 sounds and I shouldn’t believe what I read. I haven’t heard much good about them as serious high end amps.

OP - I have a tube pre as well and love it. If I were in your position, I'd be all over the schiit Freya. But that's just me. Good luck!