Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
Stop don't go there.  I did buy
Porcelain lifters. Black with white
Top .    i now  set them on top of my 2 amps. & place 6 in a box they came on.  Cover  5 blocks of wood
With tape.  And spend the rest on
A very nice tequila  
I use cable elevators because I like the idea that the cables are off the carpet. Do they sound better? Maybe, maybe not, but they look good to me. My 2 cents...
This simply proves that some of us should not be left out of the house.

Doesn't your computer have auto grammar checker?

I think it’s a good idea, and I have been using my own homemade ones for years. Take some PVC pipe, any gauge that fits your cables, and cut it into 4 inch sections. Now, slice those sections in half, and use PVC brush on cement to cement the top of each half circle back to back. They set instantly, and they look good, and are so stable on the floor.

Nice, similar to Enid Lumley’s (The Absolute Sound) cable tunnels, made using pine 2x4’s of appropriate lengths, two for the sides and one for the top. The cable or power cord is suspended from the top 2x4 via thread and eye hooks so it's hidden from view. The pine can be treated with anti static spray. I built Enid’s cable tunnels for my Quad 57 cables around 25 years ago. Time flies when you're having fun.