Tekton Impact

The Tekton Double Impacts have been receiving rave reviews, including here on AG. Has anyone heard the smaller, lighter, less expensive Impacts? How do they compare with the larger DIs?
I purchased the Impacts last November in a search for speakers which would allow my Microzotl2 to fulfill the designed potential unbridled. The first listening session shocked and stunned me due to what I was experiencing. I will keep these speakers for the rest of my life as I am experiencing sound I never realized possible. In my opinion these speakers will embarrass the "best" on the planet at any cost. My dearly loved Magnepan 3.5r's  which were my reference for the past twenty years are now sitting idle collecting dust. All of the other six pairs of speakers owned are also in storage.
I asked Mark at Linear Tube Audio about the 4 ohm rating of the Impacts after ordering thinking I had made a mistake and he told me impedance is not a problem for his amps due to not having transformers. He was correct.

Hi power glide,
Just to be clear, the 1 watt of power is sufficient for all of your listening needs? Are you using the stock or upgraded 6SN7 tubes?
That's a sensational endorsement of the Impacts! How did you decide which Tektons to select? I assume the DIs were too large....but what about the Brilliants and Electrons?

The 1 watt is sufficient for my listening needs. A powered subwoofer crossed over at about 60hz handles most of the low end, however the Impacts have low end ability which has surprised me at times.
I replaced all of the stock tubes with Sylvania bad boys 6SN7's and Sylvania triple mica navy issue 12at7's which in my opinion allow the Microzotl2 even more of everything better.
I am not a headbanger, but have cranked it at times to where the volume level is much more than sufficient for my 16x24 foot room. I do prefer nearfield listening while seated 4 to 5 feet in front of the speakers with them 5 feet separated in width. I have spent hours of bliss here.