Rushton's DIY approach to ultrasonic record cleaning published by Positive Feedback

Over the past several months I’ve invested a fair amount of time exploring ultrasonic cleaning because I’ve fallen way too far behind in my record cleaning. With over 6000 LPs, I needed a faster way to clean than my trusted multi-step manual wet/vac cleaning process. That manual process got the best results I’ve ever found, but I was not keeping up with my collection and it is just painful to me to play a record that I’ve not cleaned.

In exploring ultrasonic cleaning, my hope was to find that I could complete multiple LPs in a single US cleaning cycle and greatly speed up my rate of cleaning records. My goals were to FIRST do no harm and then SECOND see how close I could get to the results of my manual cleaning regimen.

My past experiences with ultrasonic cleaning demonstrations were completely underwhelming. What I heard did not approach the excellence I was achieving with my multi-step wet/vac cleaning regimen.

What I’ve learned, and now apply in my new ultrasonic cleaning regimen, are multiple elements to the cleaning process that must be used in combination to achieve the best possible results. And these results have far exceeded my expectations.

I’d thought of posting here on Audiogon the summary of what I’ve learned and am now applying as my new record cleaning regimen, but the inability to post images and to apply formatting here caused me to send my summary to David Robinson at Positive Feedback who has graciously published my comments as a guest essay. Please read that essay, and then come back here to Audiogon with comments and to share your experiences:

I look forward to some further discussion and sharing of experiences.


I was looking back through my posting history regarding the Audio Desk, it's lifespan...

I did find my original receipt. In a couple of weeks, I'll have owned it for 3 years. Some have said it will fail. I have always kept the faith. Because, I have done preventive maintenance, above and beyond what the manufacturer suggests I feel this is the reason I am still enjoying this product.

I "guesstimate" I've cleaned at least 4000 lps... then put those same cleaned lps through an additional cycle before I put them up.

I'm not gloating, just saying that one should think about what the product does, how it affects it's own systems, and be inventive in regards to your conclusions.
first he said that manual is the best:
With over 6000 LPs, I needed a faster way to clean than my trusted multi-step manual wet/vac cleaning process. That manual process got the best results I’ve ever found, but I was not keeping up with my collection and it is just painful to me to play a record that I’ve not cleaned.
but later he said that ultrasonics is the best:
I’ve now cleaned over 100 records using my new ultrasonic cleaning regimen and detergent solution for my tank. What I hear exceeds the quality that I’ve been able to achieve in the past with my multi-step manual wet/vac cleaning regimen, and this has surprised me given what I’d heard with ultrasonic cleaning demonstrations elsewhere.
there’s another Rushton article of his manual (NON ultrasonics) method???

Thanks for posting.

Can you elaborate:.. "first he said that manual is the best":

When you say (he) in your context.. who is (he)?

Since I posted above, my last ultraslow synchronous motor died, and so I had to replace my DIY frame. I sprung for the Vinyl Stack UltraSonic Spin Kit.

Really nice quality, very fair price. Wish I'd done it sooner.


My Audio Desk finally gave it up. I just wanted you to know that I'm now pursuing your approach and I'm initially going to follow your method as written. I have the cleaner in-house now. Just waiting to order the rest. I am still going to use my steam method as my first line of attack.

Your article was, IMO, The best, most informative article I've ever come across.
Thank you!