Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Yes, my pxo2 shares the sub 38 hz signal with the S1.  It wasn't until I started to expand my listening of 50s and 60s jazz that I felt I wanted to be sure I was getting the full timbre of the bass ryrhm.  It's not like listening to Yes where a little more or less of Chris Squire's not-so-subtle thunks aren't going to make a difference.
ive just read quite a bit about crossovers that relieve the mains of the effort of providing the bass making them seem even fuller in the midrange and highs;  makes me wonder if the sweet saxophone sounds could become deliriously fine.  I love the speakers and would have to have a pair of 6s, 7s, or a point 7 come available in Dallas to make me change.  They're powered by a White Oak modified Phase Linear 700 that puts out close to 500 wpc and it must not even be sweating because its heat sinks never warm to 78 degrees or a cooling fan I installed would come on. Our living room is about 20 x 40 if you count the fact the whole downstairs is open with a cathedral ceiling to the open hallway upstairs.  The room could handle the biggest Thiels if I could afford them, but retirement is months away and there are other priorities.
BTW, I got a call from a salesman (Steve Levin, I think) asking if I was interested in buying the second pairs of NOS 2.7s they sold on EBay because the bases weren't perfect.  Rob strongly recommended buying then, saying the coaxial driver was Jim Thiels best and the px02 would be matched for them, too. At $2700 free shipping I was a fool to pass, but I ran an ad for a week online and Craigslist to sell mine and didn't want to risk angering my wife who has been amused with my obsession.
As I posted earlier, my system is modest, centered around my old Bang & Olufsen 8002 turntable which I had rebuilt with the help of a kind B&O fanatic in Denmark.
im not very good at short answers but 1) I don't find the 2.4s lacking in bass. I just want to get the most possible out of them, staying all Thiel if I can.
2) Rob feels the point 7 series are major improvements over their predecessors, at least in the 2 series.

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