Surround processor with stereo analog outputs

My current system:

Wharfedale PI-10 powered by an Acurus A250
Custom Subs (2) powered by a second Acurus A250
Center and Rear speakers (Wharfedale) powered by an Acurus A200x3
Processor = Acurus ACT-3 (which has stereo sub outputs)

I bought the ACT-3 used and it�s starting to develop issues when using DTS and it�s also a little on the harsh side sonically. I�d like to upgrade but I�m having a hard time locating a good Surround Processor with stereo analog sub outputs. This is my main music system as well as the Home Theater system and I can live with mono subs for Home Theater but not for music listening. I know; �low frequency sounds aren�t directional and stereo subs aren�t necessary� (I�ve been hearing that for 2 decades) but I disagree. I�d also like something with a built-in crossover as the active crossovers I use for my subs aren�t the greatest. It looks like the Meridian 568 has the capability to utilize 3 separate channels for the subs and would hopefully be an improvement sonically. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I looked online and it appears to support 2 subs in stereo, is this correct? How much would you want for it?

Thanks, Carl
Ctmorsejr, keep in mind that it is by no means a given that the results you will get with and active cross-over and stereo subs is going to be superior than mono subs, using bass management.

I have Avalon Eidolon visions and 2 x JL 113, and was thinking exactly like you. So I got myself a Trinnov 4 channel room correction + bass management + cross-over processor unit, probably the most sophisticated (professional) box on the market for this application.

I then created a preset with active cross-over, integrated subs with mains, effectively creating a 4 way fully discrete 2.0 system, with the subs now part of the FL/FR channels. I also created a preset with 2 mono subs using bass management (cross-over a 90Hz). Much to my surprises, the bass managed configuration sounds better (to me). The reason is in room bass response is extremely unpredictable, and it may just be the case mono subs result in better cancellation of room modes.

Thanks for the input. It's good to hear from someone with experience similar to what I'm looking for. I ended up ordering an Anthem AVM 30 and I will take the time to experiment and I'll keep an open mind while I do so.
FWIW, I checked the Paradigm X-30 and I doubt that it has stereo subwoofer outputs. First, there is no mention of such an option. Second, its 2 inputs are marked L + R and its HP outputs are marked L + R but its LP subwoofer outputs are marked 1 + 2. Third, using only the L input, both sub outputs are active.

Still, a useful device and I hope someone wants one. ;-)
