Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi audiolabyrinth,

Not suggesting that the Cerious GE cables are on par with the best from Tara Labs, only asking if you have ever had any conversation with the designer(s) at TL about Graphene?

Best to you audiolabyrinth,
Hi dlcockrum,  I have talked to the designer Mathew bond for year's, however,  I have never talked about graphene cable's with any one there,  but I have talked to them at taralab's about magnetic conduction cable's such as high fidelity,  great conversation,  at the end,  that idea was dismissed as inferior,  I my self heard the difference,  very big difference,  I preferred the taralab's by a large margin,  so after that,  I really rarely bring up another cable's technology to them,  when I do listen to the cerious technologies graphene cable's,  I will give my  honest opinion of them, likely against similar priced taralab's cable's, I do plan to obtain the cerious technologies graphene cable's,  when,  not sure yet, I have owned many cable's over the years,  some I've enjoyed,  I  do like having system's in my home to sound different from one to the other,  like different flavors of ice cream,  mmmm!, at the end of the day,  taralab's has always been on my best system I can afford to build,  just my preference 🤓🖒👀
Hi audiolabyrinth,

Happy with my current cables for now. Focusing on vibration isolation at present.
