Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Dracule1, please keep us updated on Elrog in Lampizator Golden Gate! Did you have a junior model Lampi before?
My Lampi came with EML 45 Mesh.
I might try PSVANE WE 101D replica on it and Takatsuki but this will not be any time soon, need extensive burn in on them all to be meaningful.
I am also with you on passive preamps :) I used to have several, from resistor based attenuators which depended too much on impedance matching and cables to many transformer based volume controls which were so much better in sound and so much easier in matching. I now use either Coincident Line Stage with transformer volume control or Kondo active pre but I still have a current model of Django TVC with Silk Audio transformers.
Hi Dmarkov,
I have my Taks almost 2 years. They are well broken in and the Elrogs had less then 100 hrs.
They are both excellent tubes. The Elrogs give me a little more body to instruments, which I like.
Dmarkov, I will keep posting. I have EML 45 and RU4, Psvane 101D and 274B replicas, TJ Full Music 300B SE, Elrog 300, and Brimar 5Z4ZY. I have the Takatsuki 273 on the way.
Based on my experience with 2 different pairs of Elrog ER 300bs, break-in is fairly rapid. In my system they were indeed excellent brand new. I'd say 50 hours and they're pretty much burned in. Joe(Snowpro) yes, as excellent as the Takatsuki sounds, the Elrog is fuller and has superior harmonic and tonal richness. The preference could certainly vary I imagine in a different amplifier/system.
Dmarkov, I will keep posting. I have EML 45 and RU4, Psvane 101D and 274B replicas, TJ Full Music 300B SE, Elrog 300, and Brimar 5Z4ZY. I have the Takatsuki 273 on the way.